Fire Mitigation, Fire Prevention, Lot Clearing, and Brush Mowing

A reality of living in Nevada is the potential for wildfire. In our extremely dry high-desert climate, fire mitigation is a great way to manage vegetation so that when a fire breaks out, it will be much easier to contain and cause less damage. Fire prevention has been at the forefront of climate issues in Reno and the Northern Nevada areas because of our substantial susceptibility. Your Northern Nevada tree experts at Battle Born Tree Service are dedicated to providing services and knowledge to each of our customers. 

What is fire mitigation?

Fire mitigation is the process of assessing your house’s specific fire risks and the removal of fire fuel from around your property. Through this process, we hope to create a defensible zone where shrubs, trees, and debris are less connected to make a sort of safe bubble around your house. 

It involves brush mowing, trimming, removing debris, determining the health of your trees and how you store your belongings, as well as integrating fireproof materials like metal fences, dual-pane windows, and fire retardant roofs and gutters. 

Why is fire mitigation important?

Fire mitigation in the Northern Nevada area is extremely important in a few different ways. First off, Nevada is the driest state in the U.S. where we receive an average of 10 inches of rainfall annually. Our Northern Nevada area is exceptionally susceptible because of our dry climate and the drought throughout the last few years. Even with increased measures from officials about fire safety, the work that you can do around your property can help preserve your home.

Additionally, Northern Nevada has a large population of wildland-urban areas that are liable to fire danger. As Reno continues to grow, the wildland-urban areas become more dense and populated. They consist of neighborhoods and homes that are in or near wildland vegetation. Fires work in a cyclical nature where when the forests and vegetation become too thick, it burns, and this happens every few years. Fire mitigation can substantially reduce the risk of fire danger by creating a defensible zone around the house, combined with safe usage and proper knowledge. 

Your Northern Nevada tree experts!

Here at Battle Born Tree Service we strive to provide exceptional service to each customer. Our two certified arborists will work with you to construct a plan for your trees, shrubs, and property for fire mitigation. We can’t stress enough the importance of maintaining, trimming, and servicing your vegetation for a healthier, safer property. For any questions regarding fire mitigation, give us a call today!

Learn more about other arborist services that Battle Born Tree Service has to offer.